Ways To Give

The Canada Equipment Dealers Foundation is thinking big about the future of our industry. Help us build a $1 million endowment fund to ensure we continue to have the people and the skills to be successful well into the future. Participating in the CEDF by making a donation is a great way for a dealership or industry partner to give something back to their industry.

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How You Can Contribute

Make an annual donation. Think of it as an ongoing investment in the technical excellence of your dealership, and a statement of appreciation of your employees.

Make a one-time gift when you retire. Retiring WEDA members have told us they’ve achieved great success in the industry and they want to give back. There’s no better way than contributing to the technical education of the industry’s next generation.

Create an employee scholarship. Set up a scholarship in your dealership’s name at one of many participating colleges.

Wills and life insurance. Name the CEDF in your will or as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy.

Other Contribution Options


The Private Label Program


The Private Label Program allows for the creation of a scholarship endowment under your dealership name at a post-secondary educational institution for a dealership rated program.  All donations will be matched by the CEDF.  The sponsoring dealer can direct the funds toward a post-secondary educational institution and dealership related program of their choice.

This program is intended to take advantage of matching funds that are available from provincial governments and college foundations.  It is a great way to recognize a dealership or a long-term dealer principal.  Minimum contribution is $5000.

Life Insurance Program


In partnership with Federated Insurance of Canada, a Life Insurance Program has been established which allows the policyholder to designate the CEDF as a beneficiary. The policyholder determines the amount of the policy and pays the premium on an annual basis.  This program is designed to provide the foundation with a long-term funding source.

Annual Donation


The CEDF accepts annual donations in all denominations.  These donations will be used as matching funds for other donation programs or for the creation of endowments.

Make A Difference

Your support will further our efforts to provide technical education scholarships for the benefit of dealers, employees, and the equipment industry. Each year scholarships are awarded across Canada to aspiring individuals that are the future of the industry. WEDA hosts many events to raise funds for the scholarship program. Your donation is vital to continuing our efforts to support the growth of the equipment industry.

Our foundations accept annual donations in all denominations. These donations will be used as matching funds for scholarships and other programs. By raising funds, we can help members get one step closer to filling dealership vacancies. 

You may donate any amount by clicking the donate button above or by sending a cheque made payable to:
Canada Equipment Dealers Foundation
2435 Pegasus Road NE
Calgary, AB T2E 8C3

Questions? Please call the Association office at (800) 661-2452